director of adolescent health for lutheran family health centers project reach youth now of nyu {{illustrate the meaning and the story behind the long nmame here}}
I've always been obssesed with meaning. With understanding and feeling understood. The longest constant thread I can trace in my work, in my living, is creating spaces, environemnts, tools, experiences, performances, where people can understand and be understood. Tracing this could look like HS: CAS and group of friends?/camp counselor College: Rainbow Theatre Poetry: poems BK-life: PRY system, all life: checkins! everyones favorite part of staff meetings and the class I taught
And someone who has a friend, a brother, in prison
This project is attempting to continue the work of Brett Victor's Ten Brighter Ideas? An Explorable Explanation.
This document is meant to be both the description and outcome of my thesis, which features experiments and elucidations {{expand}} on the the question of how to make all this data we have meaningful. {{We* have access* to all the data-now what? What to do with all the information in the word?}}
In order to report and make a record of my research and experiment findings, am interested in trying to create a document that is more 'alive,' then the current web and computer forms we have.
In addition to Brett Victor's Explorable Explanations, another point of reference for this kind of work is Wolfram Mathematica's Computable Document Format
The form of my thesis project is heavily inspired, and may be understood as an attempt at producing what Brett Victor called an Explorable Explanation
What is Computable Document Format™(CDF)? Today's online documents are like yesterday's paper—flat, lifeless, inactive. Instead, CDF puts easy-to-author interactivity at its core, empowering readers to drive content and generate results live.
source: Wolfram Website