How To Make Data Meaningful

Part I: Hollis

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Interactive Transcript

Part II: Ten Years Later

My Letters

using javacript to simulate letters being typed as I email him, or I fill out an html form, and then they print it out at the the prison and give it to him as a printed pdf

Hollis's Letters

Animated svgs in a handwritten font. To show how he doesn/can not email me back. So I send and then I wait. While he writes by hand. He always waits longer to hear back from me. Even with all these computers I have around me at all times

Part III: Getting To Zero

A) Interactive D3 visualization showing prison population by state (2012 numbers)

Click on any state to zoom in.
there is no data yet in each state, but I am thinking that when you zoomed in to that state you would get to do the 'transformative' part of the interaction where you drag to see the effects of releasing people in that state. Another option would be to show what each state is doing to get to 0 people in prison when you zoomed in to that state

B) Interactive D3 Visualization Showing Number of Humans Imprisoned By State In 2012-And Then Transitioning That Number To 0

d3_transitions_documentation from Daniel Silber-Baker on Vimeo.

C) Interactive D3 Visualization Showing Rise In Number Of Humans Imprisoned Between 1978-2012 By State

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