The Language (re)Creation Machine prepares a text for its inclusion in the on-going, ad infinitum, dialogic process of meaning making that makes up human existence; in which text plays an integral role, and the stakes of which are no less then the ultimate negotiation of the boundaries of reality.
by: Daniel Silber-Baker
which would all be actionable
create an array that is made up of each word as an element
python (or javascript) to iterate through the array and call to wordnik api to get definition for each element of the array.
The return is appended as a property of the each word-element, with a javascript function to display this.definition for each word element on hover.
While the problem of humanization has always, from an axiological point of view, been humankind's central problem, it now takes on the character of an inescapable concern.
Concern for humanization leads at once to the recognition of dehumanization, not only as an ontological possibility but as an historical reality.
And as an individual perceives the extent of dehumanization,he or she may ask if humanization is a viable possibility.
Within history, in concrete, objective contexts, both humanizatio and dehumanization are possibilities for a person as an uncompleted being conscious of their incompletion.
But while both humanization and dehumanization are real alternatives, only the first is the people's vocation. This vocation is constantly negated, yet it is affirmed by that very negation.
It is thwarted by injustice, exploitation, oppression, and the violence of he oppressors; it is affirmed by the yearning of the oppressed fo freedom and justice, and by their struggle to recover their lost humanity.
Dehumanization, which marks not only those whose humanit has been stolen, but also (though in a different way) those who havestolen it, is a distortion of the vocation of becoming more fully human.
This distortion occurs within history; but it is not an historical vocation. Indeed, to admit of dehumanization as an historical vocation would lead either to cynicism or total despair. The struggle for humanization, for the emancipation of labor, for the overcoming of alienation, for the affirmation of men and women as persons would be meaningless. This struggle is possible only because dehumanization, although a concrete historical fact, is not a given destiny but the result of an unjust order that engenders violence in the oppressors, which in turn dehumanizes the oppressed.
python script from rwet to select ‘noun-phrases’ from text to generate keywords to connect to author authors and ideas
Python script from RWET to pull all the noun phrases from a texts with wikipedia article’s pulled for each one. Displayed on ‘people, places, ideas, and things’ cards associated with each text, and each noun phrase is given a unique id, in addition to the unique id maintained by each of the individual word level discrete elements
* and noun phrase ‘cards’ can be saved, collected, and traded, and are held in part of the archive and can be drawn upon for research or creative use or comparative analysis, ect. Users can also share card and card sets they generate on their local ‘The Magic Text Machine’ to shared servers where users can exchange and share noun phrase ‘cards’ and noun phrase ‘card sets’
"Heteroglossia is 'the base condition governing the operation of meaning in any utterance.'"
"To make an utterance means to "appropriate the words of others and populate them with one's own intention"
Mikhail Bakhtin
Bakhtin and Diologism
All human “acts” (pustupok), all gestures, … are for Bakhtin “utterances” (vyskazyvanie). This is the central notion of Bakhtin’s philosophy of language. An utterance is an act, a social event of discursive relations (in its broadest sense).
Dialogue is primarily the basic model of language as discursive communication. A sequence of utterances is a dialogue of speaking subjects or voices that respond to former utterances and anticipate the future ones.
The term “dialogism” is most commonly used to denote the quality of an instance of discourse that explicitly acknowledges that it is defined by its relationship to other instances, both past, to which it responds, and future, whose response it anticipates. The positive connotations of dialogism are often reinforced by a contrast with “monologism,” denoting the refusal of discourse to acknowledge its relational constitution and its misrecognition of itself as independent and unquestionably authoritative